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Remember that all the stories presented on this site are the work of one person. It may or may not have extensive writing travel. So we ask that all your comments be respectful, because you are addressing a real person.
If you participate in our Writing Challenge or leave your comments, you must follow the rules detailed below.


To participate in this community, as a member or visitor, you  You agree to accept the Regulations of the same. Failure to comply with any of its points will allow the administration to agree with the offender on the measures to be taken.



Respect for the work of others. All the works presented here are the effort of writers with different backgrounds; so the purpose of this community is to offer you our advice based on our experience, first as readers, and second as writers; in order to collaborate to improve a writing.



The readings are voluntary for those who have NOT participated in the challenge; but you can also leave your comments  and improvements in the texts that they consider appropriate, always respecting the rules on the same.



The participants of the Writing Challenges have the Rule of reading and commenting, three readings according to the How to Comment on a Story Guide. It is suggested that  for control, and so that no one is left without receiving a comment and / or without commenting, do so to the three following their own . Extra readings are done in order at discretion.  Participation in the Writing Challenge is free, voluntary and free.



Comments will always be constructive criticism. Heavy, rude, crude or foul language should be avoided. Any comment that violates this rule will be removed without prior notice. In order to comment, it is mandatory to have a verified LOGIN registration with the blog, since the program does not accept anonymous comments. In turn, any response to comments for the work and / or opinions  about the story; the author must adhere to the same rule. You should avoid foul language, sarcasm, irony, exaggeration and any expression that is out of the healthy coexistence between colleagues.



Writing challenges will be posted on the 1st of each month. For the selection of the required words of the challenge, an automatic generator will be used, provided online. The publication of the compilation will be between the 17-18th of the month, depending on the number of participations.  Reception of texts: 1-15 of each month. Hour  Maximum reception 23.59hrs local time of the participant (it will be verified with our time change with the time of sending the form).  



The challenge consists of: Making a text, be it a scene or a short story, no more than seven hundred fifty (750) words to be published. It is requested not to exceed this limit since the submission form does not accept a higher number and your text may be rejected or not submitted. Three mandatory words could be included, they cannot be modified to another, but only by virtue of plural or singular, feminine or masculine if applicable. The change of the words will incur in the non-publication of the same.

Only ONE story per participant (natural person) is allowed, so second stories sent with another pseudonym, email, etc., will be discarded, since the system identifies them and the point number 1 (one) of these rules.



Special or Optional Challenges may be included within the Writing Challenge, unless otherwise indicated, they are voluntary. Not participating in the optional challenge does not prevent participation in the Writing Challenge.



The revision of the original texts for publication, correspond to the author of the same. Which will also enjoy its authorship. If you meet the requirements of the Writing Challenge, the submitted text will be published in a compilation as it was submitted. Therefore, spelling, style or writing errors cannot be modified once it has been sent. Therefore, any request for change after the date of shipment by the author is prohibited.   Therefore, Café Liberautas is exempt from writing, spelling and grammar errors; since the text is published exactly as the author has sent it. It remains the same subject to the changes derived from the suggestions of the other participants left in the comments.  



Enjoy the experience. Remember that participation is not a competition, but rather enjoying writing and reading.  It is a space for creativity and companionship.

It is free, voluntary and free.

Our team


K. Marce

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Site Administrator

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Laura Y

Contributor - Editor

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